Smile Proudly

Wellness Smile Proudly

This month’s Children’s Moonshot theme is ‘Smile Proudly’.

Science has shown us that smiling actually has a positive effect on the brain.

Natural endorphins which are mood boosting chemicals are released when children smile and laugh. The simple act of smiling can improve the overall health and wellbeing of all Children – the more they smile the happier their brain!!

smiling can improve the overall health and wellbeing of all Children
smiling can improve the overall health and wellbeing of all Children

At Junior Genius Global, we understand the importance of the formative years - engaging in meaningful ways with your child or children often will support their mental health and provide them with the security they need to be socially and emotionally strong.

It’s worth remembering that a simple smile is just one building block of establishing a strong bond with your baby. Your face is where they look for reassuring, comforting responses with sustained attention. These smiles are an essential way of developing a warm, loving, and rewarding relationship with your baby.

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The benefits of smiling will continue from birth to the teenage years and beyond when we smile and laugh often. Our ‘Happy Hormone’ Serotonin is released which in turn reduces Cortisol levels thereby reducing stress and anxiety. We can also see an improvement in immune function as our body naturally relaxes and calms the nervous system. Building a strong immune system will help your child to fight infections and boost their mood.

As parents, we want to love and support our children as much as we can. Knowing that 1 in 5 children experience mental health challenges suggests that the opportunity to help them starts at the very beginning.

At Junior Genius Global we encourage everyone to smile proudly and enjoy the many health benefits that smiling and laughing can bring.

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Our Home Wellness Collection supports happy, joyful and curious children through the art of massage, heathy eating, dino yoga, animal affirmations and many more fun and informative activities that are sure to put a smile of your child’s face!

We know that happy children are healthier children!!

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