Wellness Be Curious

This month we invite children to always ‘Be Curious’ in partnership with the Wellness for Children Initiative and the Children’s Moonshot Calendar. Children are naturally curious because they are learning through every experience and social interaction they have. Curiosity helps children seek and acquire new knowledge, skills, and ways of understanding the world. It is at the heart of what motivates young people to learn and what keeps them learning throughout their lives. As parents, caregivers, and guardians, let’s nurture curiosity in our children, to develop their imagination and sense of creativity that gives them the basic tools they need to be successful adults.

Be curious
Be Curious

Curiosity is fostered everywhere — at home, in school or nursery and outdoors. Parents who intentionally stimulate a child’s curiosity impact their learning and development for a lifetime.

Curiosity helps children be more observant and to think and try to figure things out for themselves. When children explore their curiosity, they expand their vocabulary as they use language to describe what they’re thinking, seeing, hearing, or experiencing. Studies suggest that curious personalities are associated with humour, playfulness, life satisfaction, good relationships and open-mindedness and it’s found to develop kindness and empathy.

Reading stories is the perfect way to support curiosity. Early reading ignites creativity, sparks curiosity, and stimulates the imagination in young children. By asking your child questions while you read, you give your child the chance to wonder, think and question. You also begin to encourage problem-solving by having your child figure out answers for themselves.

be curious

Time in nature is a fantastic way to foster curiosity. Take a trip to a zoo, a park, or take a hike or bike trail. Be a curious role model and point out animals and plants you see. Ask your child to connect with nature by using their 5 senses. Ask them what they can hear, see, or smell? How do certain plants feel? If there’s a particular plant or animal your child is drawn to. You can further their learning by reading a book together about that animal.

Unstructured play can also nurture and develop your children's curiosity and sense of discovery. Free play will have a direct impact on your child’s development and wellbeing. Peter Gray, psychologist and author points out that unstructured play builds empathy and creativity in children. It is also associated with reductions in depression, anxiety, and other stress-related challenges.

be cuirous

At Junior Genius Global, our Home Wellness Collection ignites curiosity in the children we care for. From creative cooking activities, inspiring stories with interesting characters and opportunities to learn through music and art, our collection will support children to be lifelong curious learners.

As Walt Disney said “Curiosity keeps us moving forward, exploring, experimenting and opening new doors” so encourage your child to be curious and watch the magic that will unfold.

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